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Renku Users Meeting 2024

· 2 min read
Elisabet Capon
Renku Community Manager

Renku Users Meeting 2024

Join us in Bern to meet other Renku users and learn how they leverage Renku for data science, research, and teaching. We will share updates about the upcoming new version of Renku, Renku 2.0, and the features prioritised for the second half of 2024. In addition, we will discuss the open Call for Collaborative Projects and describe how you can get involved. You are also invited to voice your challenges in an open discussion about collaborative open research, and to bring your suggestions for new Renku features.

When: June 27th from 13:00 CET until 17:00 CET

Where: University of Bern and Zoom

Register here!


  • 13:00-13:15 Welcome and Introduction

  • 13:15-14:00 Renku 2.0 Update: Milestones, Demo & Roadmap, Call for collaborative projects

  • 14:00-14:15 Break

  • 14:15-15:15 Renku in the Wild: User Presentations from Research & Teaching

    • Reproducible Data Acquisition and Processing in X-ray Imaging Research
      Michał Rawlik, Scientist at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at ETH Zürich

    • How Renku can help us to detect natural hazards: A case study from environmental seismology
      Patrick Paitz, Postdoc at Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)

    • Teaching with Renku: A Co-Evolution
      Noe Leon Thalheim, Tech Lead, "Grundkurs Programmieren" at Berner Fachhochschule (BFH)

    • Renku in astronomy
      Volodymyr Savchenko, Senior Data Scientist & Lecturer at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

  • 15:15-15:30 Break

  • 15:30-16:30 Open Discussion: Challenges in Collaborative Open Research projects

  • 16:30-17:00 Networking and Refreshments